De uitkomsten van het onderzoek “Redevelopment and Retrofit of the Hoog Catharijne area” door studenten aan de TU Delft werd tijdens het hoogbouwcongres op 18 september tentoongesteld in Kinepolis.
- Group 1: Unicity
- Group 2: CAThWALK
- Group 4: De heuvel
- Group 5: The red line

The course MEGA is concerned with the design, computation, engineering, and construction management of a high/large building. MEGA 2021 focuses on a highrise building. This design process is done as a collaborative digital design in a multidisciplinary group of students in which each student has his/her own different responsibility. The course targets master students in Architecture, Management in the Built Environment, Building Technology and Civil Engineering; and it is open to non-TUDelft students, conforming with TUDelft regulations. The course is supported by external (inter)national design/engineering offices. Students work in teams. The design team of 6 – 8 students is responsible for delivering an integrated design as a multidisciplinary team; while each student is responsible for one discipline. Disciplines involved are: architectural design; structural design; climate design and building services; façade design; project and construction management; computational design. The disciplines are divided amongst the team members; each member is responsible for the contribution and integration of these aspects in the collective design. Students are encouraged to match their role in the team with the specialization they follow in the Master track.