Van dinsdag 3 tot en met donderdag 5 juni 2025 organiseert Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) in Amsterdam en Rotterdam de CTBUH EU Conference. “Different Densities: The quest for carbon-neutral cities in Europe”.
De locatie in Amsterdam is De Duif op de Prinsengracht 756.
Het globale programma kunt u inzien op de website van CTBUH.
Noteert u de data alvast in de agenda! De registratie voor deelname aan de conferentie in Amsterdam en Rotterdam volgt spoedig.
Different Densities:
The quest for carbon-neutral cities in Europe
Through the centuries, European cities have adapted different models to develop density and concentrate services, wealth and culture. A new, vertical dimension is now demonstrating unprecedented possibilities and a variety of models. From the skyscraper clusters of Paris La Defense, the City London or Frankfurt, to the poly-centric clusters of Rotterdam, Madrid or Milan, to isolated towers used to infuse energy into strategic low-rise neighborhoods, tall buildings are now a known commodity on the Continent.
While not setting world records for height, these buildings are distinctive, both in their use phase and in their construction, using low-carbon materials, optimization, and modern technologies to meet a strong market demand and regulations. With the EU aspiration for carbon neutrality by 2050, countries are adopting exceptionally stringent targets to mitigate the environmental impact of buildings.
What to Expect
The conference will showcase seminal examples of sustainable innovation in buildings, components, materials and procedures, offering a venue to discuss the technical aspects of carbon reduction. It will be the venue for debates on height and density, and innovation within tradition.
Visits to iconic buildings will be organized the day before the conference in Amsterdam, with a networking reception to meet old friends and make new.
The day after the conference, attendees have the option to to carry on to Rotterdam, hear presentations about the approach of the tallest city in the region, and visit some of its most important recent buildings.
A series of webinars in March and April will prepare the ground for the conference, exploring how industry leaders are taking up the carbon-reduction challenge, and how CTBUH, as a community of members, can contribute.